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þÇáÅíãÇä (The Book of Faith)

No. 334

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he (the Prophet) saw (Allaah) with, his heart.

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No. 335

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the words:" The heart belied not what he saw" (al-Qur'an, Iiii. 11) and" Certainly he saw Him in another descent" (al-Qur'an, Iiii. 13) imply that he saw him twice with his heart.

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No. 336

Abu Bakr b. Abi Shaiba narrated it on the same authorities.

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No. 337

It is narrated on the authority of Masruq that he said: I was resting at (the house of) 'A'isha that she said: O Abu 'A'isha (kunya of Masruq), there are three things, and he who affirmed even one of them fabricated the greatest lie against Allaah. I asked that they were. She said: He who presumed that Muhammad (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) saw his Lord (with his ocular vision) fabricated the greatest lie against Allaah. I was reclining but then sat up and said: Mother of the Faithful, wait a bit and do not be in a haste. Has not Allaah (Mighty and Majestic) said:" And truly he saw him on the clear horizon" (al-Qur'an, lxxxi. 23) and" he saw Him in another descent" (al-Qur'an, iiii. 13)? She said: I am the first of this Ummah who asked the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) about it, and he said: Verily he is Gabriel. I have never seen him in his original form in which he was created except on those two occasions (to which these verses refer) ; I saw him descending from the heaven and filling (the space) from the sky to the earth with the greatness of his bodily structure. She said: Have you not heard Allaah saying." Eyes comprehend Him not, but He comprehends (all) vision. and He is Subtle, and All-Aware" (al-Qur'an, v. 104)? (She, i. e. 'A'isha, further said): Have you not heard that, verily, Allaah says:" And it is not vouchsafed to a human being that Allaah should speak unto him otherwise than by revelation, or from behind a veil, or that He sendeth a messenger (angel), so that he revealth whatsoever He wills. Verily He is Exalted. Wise" (al. Qur'an, xii. 51) She said: He who presumes that the Messengerof Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) concealed anything, from the Book, of Allaah fabricates the greatest lie against Allaah. Allaah says:" O Messenger! deliver that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord, and if thou do (it) not, thou hast not delivered His message" (al-Qur'an, v. 67). She said: He who presumes that he would inform about what was going to happen tomorrow fabricates the greatest lie against Allaah. And Allaah says" Say thou (Muhammad): None in the heavens and the earth knoweth the unseen save Allaah" (al-Qur'an, xxvii 65).

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No. 338

Dawud reported on the same authorities the hadith as narrated above by Ibn 'Uliyya and added: She ('A'isha) said: If Muhammad were to conceal anything which was sent to him, he would have certainly concealed this verse:" And when thou saidst to him on whom Allaah had conferred favour and thou too had conferred favour: Keep thy wife to thyself and fear Allaah, and thou wast concealing in thy heart that which Allaah was going to disclose, and thou wast fearing men while Allaah has a better right that thou shouldst fear Him."

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No. 339

Masruq reported: I asked 'A'isha if Muhammad (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) had seen his Lord. She replied: Hallowed be Allaah, my hair stood on end when you said this, and he (Masruq) narrated the hadith as narrated above. The hadith reported by Diwud is more complete and longer.

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No. 340

Masruq reported: I said to 'A'isha: What about the words of Allaah:" Then he drew nigh and came down, so he was at a distance of two bows or closer still: so He revealed to His servant what He revealed" (al-Qur'an, liii. 8-10)? She said: It implies Gabriel. He used to come to him (the Prophet) in the shape of men; but he came at this time in his true form and blocked up the horizon of the sky.

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