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‏اللباس والزينة‏ (The Book Pertaining to Clothes and Beautification )

No. 5126

Umm Salama, the wife of Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam), said: He who drinks in the vessel of silver in fact drinks down in his belly the fire of Hell.

No. 5127

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of 'Ubaidullah through other chains of transmitters: He who eats or drinks in the vessel of silver and gold, - but there is no mention in any one of them of the words pertaining to eating and gold.

No. 5128

Abd al-Rahman reported on the authority of his mother's sister Umm Salama who said that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: He who drank in vessels of gold or silver he in fact drank down in his belly the fire of Hell.

No. 5129

Mu'awiya b. Suwaid b. Muqarrin reporxed: I visited al-Bara' b. 'Azib and heard him say: Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) commanded us to do seven things and forbade us to do seven (things). He commanded us to visit the sick, to follow the funeral procession, to answer the sneezer, to fulfil the vow, to help the poor, to accept the invitation and to greet everybody, and he forbade us to wear rings or gold rings, to drink in silver (vessels), and to use the saddle cloth made of red silk, and to wear garments made of Qassi material, or garments made of silk or brocade and velvet.

No. 5130

This hadith has been reported on the authority of Ash'ath b. Sulaim with the same chain of transmitters but with a slight change of wording that he made no mention of:" to fulfil the vows" but substituted these words:" finding of the lost articles".

No. 5131

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ash'ath b. Abu ashSha'tha' with the same chain of transmitters (and with these words): There is no doubt about the words: To fulfil the vows were mentioned and this addition had been made in the. hadith: (The Prophet) forbade drinking in silver vessels, for one who drinks (in them) in this world would not drink (in them) in the Hereafter.

No. 5132

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ash'ath b. Sulaim with the same chain of transmitters but with this difference that instead of the words: Ifsha as-Salam (spreading the salutations), he substituted the words Radd as-Saldm (i. e. responding to the words of salutation) and he said: He forbade (the use of) gold ring.

No. 5133

This hadith has been narrated on the auttiniity of Ash'ath b. Sulaim with the same chain of transmitters but the words (pertaining to) Ifsha as-Salam and the (use) of gold ring have been reported without doubt.

No. 5134

'Abdullah b. Ukaim reported: While we were with Hudhaifa in Mada'in he asked for water. A villager brought a drink for him in a silver vessel. He (Hudhaifa) threw it away saying: I inform you that I have already conveyed to him that he should not serve me drink in it (silver vessel) for Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) had said: Do not drink in gold and silver vessels, and do not wear brocade or silk, for these are meant for them (the non-believers) in this world, but they are meant for you in the Hereafter on the Day, of Resurrection.

No. 5135

This badith has been reported on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Ukaim with a slight variation of wording.

No. 5136

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of lbn 'Ukaim through another chain of transmitters, but in this hadith no mention is made of the words:, On the Day of Resurrection"

No. 5137

Shu'ba reported from al-Hakam that he heard 'Abd al-Rahmin (i. e. Ibn Abu Laila) as saying: I personally saw Hudhaifa asking for water in Mada'in and a man giving it to him in a silver vessel. The rest of the hadith is the same.

No. 5138

This badith has been narrated on the authority of Shu'ba through another chain of transmitters. but there is no mention of the fact: ', I personally saw him" in this hadith.

No. 5139

This hadith has been reported on the authority of Hudhaila with the same chain of transmitters.

No. 5140

'Abd al-Rahmin b. Abu Laili reported that Hudhaifa asked for water and a Magian gave him water in a silver vessel, whereupon he said: I heard Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: Do not wear silk or brocade and do not drink ifi vessels of gold and silver, and do not eat in the dishes made of them (i. e. gold and silver), for these are for them (the non-believers) in this world.

No. 5141

Ibn Umar reported that Umar b. Khattab saw (some one selling) the garments of silk at the door of the mosque, whereupon he said: Allaah's Messenger, would that you buy it and wear it for the people on Friday and for (receiving) the delegations when they come to you? Upon this. Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: go who wears it has no share (of reward) in the Hereafter. Then these garments were sent to Allaah" s Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam), and he presented one of these silk garment to Umar. Thereupon Umar said: You make me wear (this silk garment) Whereas you said about the silk garment of Utarid (the person who had been busy selling this garment at the door of the mosque) what you had to say, whereupon Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: I have not presented you this for wearing it (but to make use of its price) ; so 'Umar presented it to his polytheist brother in Mecca.

No. 5142

This hadith has been narrated by Ibn Umar through another chain of transmitters.

No. 5143

Ibn Umar reported that Umar saw Utarid al-Tamimi standing in the market (and selling) the silk garments, and he was the person who went to (courts of) kings and got (high prices) for these garments from them. Umar said: Allaah's Messenger I saw 'Utarid standing in the market with a silk garment; would that you buy and wear it for (receiving) the delegations of Arabs when they visit you? I (the narrator) said: I think he ('Umar) also said: You may wear it on Friday (also). Thereupon, Allaah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) said: He who wears silk in this world has no share in the Hereafter. Later on when these silk garments were presented to Allaah's Massenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) he presented one silk garment to 'Umar and presented one also to Usama b. Zaid and gave one to 'Ali b. Abu 'Talib. saying: Tear them and make head coverings for your ladies. 'Umar came carrying his garment and said: Allaah's Messenger, you have sent it to me, whereas you had said yesterday about the (silk) garment of Utarid what you had to say. He (the Prophet) said: I have not sent it to you that you wear it, but I have sent It to you so that you may derive benefit out of it; and Usama (donned) the garment (presented to him) and appeared to be brisk, whereupon Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) looked at him with a look by which he perceived that the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) did not like what he had done. He said: Allaah's Messenger. why is it that you look at me like this. whereas you yourself presented it to me? He said: I never sent it to you to wear it, but I sent It to you so that you may tear it and make out head covering for your ladies.

No. 5144

Abdullah b. Umar reported: 'Umar b. at-Khattab found a silk garment being sold in the market; he purchased it and brought it to Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) and said: Allaah's Messenger, get it and adorn yourself (by wearing it) on the 'Id (days) and for the delegation. Thereupon, Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: That is the dress of one who has no share (in the Hereafter). 'Umar stayed there so long as Allaah wished. Then Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) sent him a silk cloak. 'Umar came back with that to Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) and said: Allaah's Messenger. you said that it is the dress of one who has no share in the Hereafter, but then you sent it to me. Thereupon, Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: You sell it and meet your need (with its proceeds).

No. 5145

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Shihab with the same chain of transmitters.

No. 5146

lbn 'Umar reported that 'Umar saw a person of the tribe of 'Utirid selling a garment made of brocade or silk and said to Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam): Would that you buy it? Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: He who wears it has no share for him in the Hereafter. Then Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) was presented with a striped silk garment and he sent it to him ('Umar). He (, Umar) said: You sent it to me whereas I heard from you about it what you had to say, whereupon he (Allaah's Messenger) said: I sent it to you so that you may benefit by it.

No. 5147

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar through another chain of transmitters but with a slight variation of wording (and the words are that the Prophet) said: I sent it to you so that you might derive benefit from it. but I did not send it to you to wear it.

No. 5148

Ibn 'Umar reported that 'Umar saw a person with a garment of brocade and he brought it to Allaah's Prophet (may peace he upon him) -the rest of the hadith is the same, except for the words that he (the Prophet) said: I sent it to you that you might get money thereby.

No. 5149

Abdullah. the freed slave of Asma' (the daughter of Abu Bakr). the maternal uncle of the son of 'Ata, reported: Asma' sent me to 'Abdullah b. 'Umar saying: The news has reached me that you prohibit the use of three things: the striped robe. saddle cloth made of red silk. and the fasting in the month of Rajab. 'Abdullah said to me: So far as what you say about fasting in the month of Rajab, how about one who observes continuous fasting? -and so far as what you say about the striped garment, I heard Umar b. Khatab say that he had heard from Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam): He who wears silk garment has no share for him (in the Hereafter), and I am afraid it may not be that striped garment; and so far as the red saddle clotb is concerned that is the saddle cloth of Abdullah and it is red. I went back to Asma' and informed her. whereupon she said: Here is the cloak of Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam). and she brought out to me that cloak made of Persian cloth with a hem of brocade, and its sleeves bordered with brocade and said: This wall Allaah's Messenger's cloak with 'A'isha until she died, and when she died. I got possession of it. The Prophet of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to wear that, and we waslied it for the sick and sought cure thereby.

No. 5150

Khalifa b. Ka'b AbCi Dhubyan reported: I heard 'Abdullah b. Zubair addressing the people and saying: Behold! do not dress yuor women with silk clothes for I heard 'Umar b. Khattab as sayinp that he had heard Allaah's messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: Do not wear silk, for one who wear it in this world will not wear it in the Hereafter.

No. 5151

'Asim al-Abwal reported on the authority Abu Uthman saying: 'Umar wrote to us when we were in Adharba'ijan saying: 'Utba b. Farqad, this wealth is neither the result of your own labour nor the result of the labour of your father, nor the result of the labour of your mother, so feed Muslims at their own places as you feed (members of your family and yourselves at your own residence), and beware of the life of pleasure, and the dress of the polytheists and wearing of silk garments, for Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) forbade the wearing of silk garments, but only this much, and Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) raised his. forefinger and middle finger and he joined. them (to indicate that only this much silk can be allowed in the dress of a man). 'Asim said also: This is what is recorded in the lette., (sent to us), and Zuhair raised his two fingers (to give an idea of the extent to which silk may be used).

No. 5152

This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of 'Asim.

No. 5153

Abu 'Uthman reported: While we were with 'Utba b. Farqad there came a letter of 'Umar (containing the instructions) that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) had said: None should wear silk (with the exception of so much) but he will have nothing of it in the Hereafter. Abu 'Uthman said: To the extent of two fingers which are close to the thumb, and I was shown the (silk) borders of the Tayalisa mantle (which were about two fingers in breadth and I saw them.

No. 5154

Qatada reported: I heard Abe 'Uthman al-Nahdi as saying: There came to us a letter of 'Umar as we were in Adharba'ijan or in Syria in the company of 'Utba b. Farqad (and the letter ran thus): After (usual praise and glorification of Allaah) it is stated that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) has forbidden the use of silk btit to the extent of these two fingers, and Abu Uthman said: We at once understood by these words that he meant (silk) patterns on (the cloth).

No. 5155

This hadith has been reported on the authority of Qatada but there is no mention of the words of Abd Uthman.

No. 5156

Suwaid b. Ghafala said: 'Umar addressed us at a place known as Jabiya (Syria) and he said: Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) forbade us the wearing of silk but to the extent of two or three fingers or four fingers.

No. 5157

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Qatada with the same chain of transmitters.

No. 5158

Jabir b. Abdullah reported that one day Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) put on a cloak made of brocade, which had been presented to him. He then quickly put it off and sent it to 'Umar b. Khattab, and it was said to him: Messenger of Allaah. why is it that you put it of immediately. whereupon he said: Gabriel forbade me from it (i. e. wearing of Ods garment), and 'Umar came to him weeping and said: Messenger of Allaah you disapproved a thing but you gave it to me. What about me, then? Thereupon be (the Prophet) Wd: I did not give it to you to wear it, but I gave you that you might sell it; and so he (Hadrat Umar) sold it for two thousand dirhams.

No. 5159

'Ali reported: A silk cloak was presented to Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam). and he sent it to me and I wore it. but then found some sign of disapproval upon his face, whereupon he said: I did not send it to you that you wear it, but I sent it to you so that you might tear it and make out head dream for your women.

No. 5160

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Mubammad b. Ja'far but with a slight variation of wording.

No. 5161

'Ali reported that Ukaidir of Duma presented to Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) a silk garment, and he presented it to 'Ali. and said: Tear it to make head covering for Fitimas out of it. This tradition is transmitted on the authority of Abu Bakr, and Abu Kuraib said: Among the women.

No. 5162

'Ali b. Abu Talib reported that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) gave me to wear a garment in the form of silk cloak. I went out wearing it, but saw signs of anger on his face, so I tore it and distributed it amongst my women.

No. 5163

Anas b. Malik reported that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) sent a silk gown to 'Umar, whereupon 'Umar said: You sent it to me whereas you said what you had to, say (i. e. it is forbidden for men). Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: I did not send it to you so that you might wear it, but I sent it to you so that you might derive benefit from its price.

No. 5164

Anas reported that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: He who wore silk in this world would not wear it in the Hereafter.

No. 5165

Abu Umama reported Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) having said: He who wore silk in this world would not wear it in the Hereafter.

No. 5166

Uqba b. 'Amir said: A silk go vn was presented to Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) and he wore it and observed prayer in it and then returned and put it off so violently as if he despised it. He then said: It does not befit the Godfearing persons.

No. 5167

This hadith has been narrated on the authority of azid b. Abu Habib with the same chain of transmitters.

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